Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to users of the “THE GIFT” website at www.thegift.com.hk (the "Website"). THE GIFT and the Website are owned by THE GIFT (HONG KONG) LIMITED("we", "us", "our"). Your use of the Website is governed by these terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use"). Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Website. By using the Website or any part of it, you agree that you have read these Terms of Use and that you accept and agree to be bound by them.
1.1 In these Terms of Use the following definitions shall apply:
a. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all intellectual and industrial property rights now in force or that come into force in the future in any part of the world whether or not registered or registerable and includes all applications and rights to apply for registration (and renewals and extensions of any registration) of such rights as well as all rights of action and remedies in relation to past infringements including rights in or in connection with:
(i) confidential information, business or trade secrets, know-how;
(ii) copyright (including the rights to secure copyright renewals and extensions of copyright, copyright not yet in existence but that comes into existence in the future, and all other rights of a like nature by law in force in any part of the world);
(iii) trademarks, service marks, business or trade names;
(iv) database rights, together with all other rights of a similar or corresponding character or nature.
b "Legal Notice and Disclaimer" means the legal notice and disclaimer applicable to the Website as extracted below.
c "Privacy Policy" means our policy regarding personal data collected in connection with this Website and the privacy of customers and visitors to this https://thegift.com.hk/en/privacy_policy
1.2 The Legal Notice and Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy are incorporated into these Terms of Use and these documents, along with these Terms of Use, shall prevail over any other document including any of our store policies purporting to have a contractual effect.
1.3 You agree to provide complete and updated information for registration on this Website.
1.4 You agree not to use the Website for any purpose or in any matter that is unlawful or infringes any third party Intellectual Property Rights.
2.1 We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion. Customers and visitors are reminded to review the Terms of Use regularly to ensure that they are familiar with the most recent version. By accessing and using this Website you agree to be bound by the most recent version of these Terms of Use.
3.1 In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the Terms of Use, the English version shall prevail.
4.1 These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and you and The Gift agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts for determining any disputes arising for or in relation to these Terms of Use.
5.1 We respect the privacy rights of visitors to the Website. Except where specifically stated, all personal information collected by us shall be handled strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy located at:
5.2 At times, you may be required to provide us with personal information. Refusal to provide such information may mean that you are unable to access certain parts of this Website or may render us unable to handle any applications or requests you may make and/or provide you with any products or services. If you are under the age of 18, consent from your parent or guardian is required before you provide us with any personal information.
5.3 Fraud
i. Any person who uses any of the websites owned by THE GIFT, or the content contained therein, for illegal activities or fraud will be subject to civil and/or legal prosecution.
ii. It is illegal to place orders under a false name, with a fraudulently obtained credit card, or without the consent of the cardholder. Persons found to have placed a fraudulent order will be prosecuted.
5.4. Customer Security and Privacy
i. By using any websites that are owned or operated by THE GIFT, you are acknowledging that we may collect and use some of your personal information. The data collected by THE GIFT is strictly limited and will only be used for the purposes of completing order transactions and improving the customer experience.
ii. THE GIFT may share customers’ information with third parties as necessary for the purposes of completing the order.
iii. THE GIFT will not disclose customers' personal information to third parties for commercial purposes.
iv. Customers may wish to remain anonymous and send gifts anonymously and may do so. However, information about the giver may be required to complete electronic transactions and therefore must be disclosed in certain circumstances.
v. We will not use cookies to handle or store your financial information.
Legal Notice & Disclaimer
A.1 This Website and any information available on it including, but not limited to, text, graphics, icons, images, software, source code, and trademarks, are protected by copyright, design, trademark and other Intellectual Property Rights owned or controlled by us and/or our licensors. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, download, post, transmit, store in a retrieval system, modify, alter or display in public or distribute in any way the contents or any part of this Website for any purpose without our prior written permission except that you may download materials displayed on the site for non-commercial, home personal use only if you keep all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices intact.
A.2 All right, titles and interests in the Intellectual Property Rights in this Website shall at all times remain the property of us and/or our licensors. Customers and visitors are not authorized to use the same unless you have obtained express written permission from us and/or our licensors, as the case may be.
B.1 The information provided on this Website is for reference only. To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all implied and/or express warranties and make no representation as to the accuracy, suitability, applicability or completeness of any information on this Website. We assume no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use or reliance of the information on this Website or for anything posted on or linked to the Website, including without limitation any mistake, error, omission, infringement, defamation, falsehood or other material or omission that might offend or otherwise give rise to any claim or complaint.
B.2 We disclaim any endorsement or recommendation of any person, organization, name, product or service referred to on the Website. We further disclaim all liability in relation to information or materials posted by advertisers or sponsors on this Website.
B.3 We make no warranties or representations in respect of your ability to access the Website and do not warrant that the functions of the Website shall be uninterrupted or error or defect-free.
B.4 None of our agents or representatives are authorized to make any warranties, representations or statements regarding any information on this Website and we shall not in any way be bound by any such unauthorized warranties, representations or statements.
C.1 By accessing and using this site you acknowledge and accept that the use of the Website is at your own risk. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damage or for damages for loss of profit or revenue arising out of any use of, access to, or inability to use or access the Website. Without limiting the foregoing:
This Website And All Information And Materials Contained On It Are Provided "As Is" Without Any Warranty Of Any Kind Either Express Or Implied Including But Not Limited To Any Implied Warranties Or Implied Terms As To Title, Quality, Merchantability, Fitness For Purpose, Privacy Or Non-Infringement.
We Have No Liability Or Responsibility For Any Errors Or Omissions In The Contents Of The Website.
We Assume No Responsibility And Shall Not Be Liable (To The Extent Permitted By Law) For Any Damage Or Injury Arising Out Of Any Use Of Or Access To The Website, Or Any Failure Of Performance, Error, Omission, Interruption, Deletion, Defect, Delay In Operation Or Transmission, Computer Virus, Communication Line Failure, Interception Of Online Communication, Software Or Hardware Problems (Including Without Limitation Loss Of Data Or Compatibility Problems), Theft, Destruction Or Alteration Of The Website, Whether For Breach Of Contract, Tortious Behaviour, Negligence Or, Under Any Other Cause Of Action Resulting Directly Or Indirectly From Any Access Or Use Of The Website, Or Any Uploading, Downloading Or Publication Of Data, Text, Images Or Other Material Or Information To Or From The Website.
D.1 The materials on this Website are directed solely at persons accessing the Website from the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong. We make no representation that any product or service referred to on this Website is available, or appropriate for use for any other location.
E.1 We reserve the right, but undertake no duty, to review edit or otherwise change this Website and any information contained on this Website at our sole discretion and without notice.
F.1 If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, such invalidity and unenforceability shall not affect the remainder of the Terms of Use which shall continue in full force and effect.
H. Disclaimers
The information on this website is of a general retail nature and illustrative purposes, the website is constantly updated to provide the most updated and best quality product. Products might be changed or updated, customers may call to inquire.
An ordered product might not be exact to the picture provided on the web. Web pictures are very references, and subject to seasonal availability, handcrafting differences, and photography angles. The content of the gift can change but would guarantee the same value and style. Upon confirmation, customers are subject to accept the policy by THE GIFT (HONG KONG) LIMITED.
We deliver according to the address and time provided by the customer(s). Unless there is special arrangement/instruction given, shall delivery issues arise, and the cost is incurred for redelivery/return to workshop/waiting for recipient/change of address, the customer could be invoiced for additional fees.
In case of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.